Your inner voice is trying to help you. Are you listening? Can you hear the gentle inner guidance? Look within yourself for answers if you find that you're constantly feeling confused or agitated. It’s important to reflect in this way for more reasons than just your immediate daily life, but let’s start there.
Listening to your outer voice is a perfect way to discover which voice you’re listening to. The words you speak and your over-all attitude and demeanor are an extension of the thoughts you allow to fill your mind. You need to understand that your thoughts relate to your emotional state and what manifests in your life. A negative thought is ego-based and creates a negative statement, action or reaction. We know like attracts like. A positive thought is soul-based. It creates positive statements and actions. Note: I did NOT say "RE-actions.”
And, by positive statements and actions – I’m not talking about, "I’m positive I don’t like him.” –or– "I positively want to throttle him.”
When you listen deep within yourself, you begin to hear your inner voice. It’s much deeper than the thoughts of the mind. Think of it as life’s guidance system.
Sometimes you’ll find that this inner voice communicates to you in a subtle way where perhaps you only have a ‘feeling.’ It may be as simple as a reminder of a something you should be taking care of or a little nudge to call a friend you’ll find to be in need. At other times, it may be a much bolder signal. You may get a nagging feeling that there's something in your life begging for your attention. It may send a warning with an unexplained concerned feeling, or snatches of words that hint at something. But it all comes with a softness – in a gentler voice than the sound of your own thinking. An angry or loud, screaming voice is not your inner spiritual voice. It may be insistent, but certainly not screaming. Perhaps in an emergency, like an impending car wreck it may shout to you, "Stop!” But I’m talking about in your ‘ordinary’ life.
I’m compelled to have you ask yourself whether you're seeing your life from your ego's point of view or from the perspective of your higher soul. When you think from your ego's point of view, you'll find you make decisions that create turmoil for yourself and those around you. You owe it to everyone to control this urge. Your soul makes your ego insignificant; so, your ego is afraid of that higher self and does everything possible to pull you down. Ego clouds your brain with negativity. Ask yourself if anything I’m saying feels abrasive to you in any way. If it does, you’re listening through the ears of your ego, not your spirit. Ego puts up defensive blocks to messages of love and light. If that’s the case, take a moment now to raise your vibration, as you should anytime you feel irritation coming on; listen through spirit.
You'll know when your higher self is guiding you. That's when you’ll experience feelings of inner peace and abundance. Pay attention in moments of peacefulness. Really listen. The soul speaks words of encouragement. It tells you what you need in order to avoid turmoil. It tells you how to live in peace with yourself and others. Here’s an important warning I’ve given to you many times! As soon as you do start listening to your soul’s voice, your ego will try to step in to contradict what your spiritually-inclined inner voice is trying to say. -The ego is talking when you feel insignificant or, conversely, too self important. -The ego is talking when you hear screaming in your head. -It is talking when you feel fearful or angry. You must remember - anger is only a reaction to fear. -Ego is talking when you feel that you have to constantly be ‘on the go’. It tells you that there's no time to reflect and understand the spiritual you.
Your ego wants you to live a fractured life; one where you multi-task and have dozens of things going at once, so you can't threaten it with spiritual thoughts of inner peace and abundance. But behind the clattering there's a small voice that’s easy to miss. It murmurs that this harried lifestyle isn't what fulfills you. By ignoring it, you become increasingly miserable over time.
Make the effort to be alone without interruption. It could be meditation or going for a walk. Do something regularly that involves only you and your deeper inner thoughts. Whatever works for you, discover it. Your soul will enlighten you on what you need in order to be the best you – if you allow it to. Quiet your mind and listen. It is possible to experience inner peace and still live a productive, prosperous life. In fact, it is more likely that you’ll experience a more productive and prosperous life if you set ego aside and listen to that gentle voice.
Beyond your own immediate, daily, personal peace, it’s important to listen to your spirit perhaps now more than ever. There’s a world-wide agreement forming that we are about to experience what could be called a ‘second enlightenment’, where spirituality will take the foreground. With this new enlightenment, the sacred will be experienced in ways that are radically different from now or in the past.
David Tacey, a theologian and Professor of Catholic Studies at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, says, "No modern theologian can continue to assume that European and North American modes of Christian thought and practice can, even in principle, any longer suffice for an emerging world church.” His work speaks of the need for Catholics and all branches of Christianity to learn to accept and respect the sacredness of all religions, including what he calls, quote, "the so-called-pagan faiths.” He sees the need to be the only ‘right answer’ fading away.
Some of us here have had this very discussion on multiple occasions. We’ve talked about the changes we’re seeing in our children (starting with the birth of the children that some call "Indigos”), in the growing acceptance of psychic sight, the increased number of outspoken mystics and their abilities and popularity. We’ve discussed the universal need to be in tune with our inner voice. And we’ve shared a knowing that the time is at hand (not coming) to deepen our spirituality because a great need will arise for telepathy and the like. I’m not offering a doomsday prophecy to you today! I’m simply telling you why I feel we need to listen carefully to our own, yet connected, inner voices – if not for ourselves, then for the coming generations; to let them know that their "gifts” (or should I say "talents”?) are normal, needed, and should be fully developed. It’s time to teach and to learn.
This new spiritual consciousness, which has been predicted and anticipated (in one form or another) by many religions, artists, thinkers, and scientists, begs to be accepted and lived out in our daily lives.
How will it arrive we wonder? Its path is unknown. The process, though, requires a certain readiness, open-mindedness, and the co-operation of each of us. When will it happen? In its own time – rather, in God’s time. But the realization has begun to manifest itself with an undeniable sense of change in many areas of our lives. Listen to your inner voice so you can be ready in every way possible for the world’s spiritual change as it comes.
Tacey, a Christian, teaches that as spiritual life on Earth evolves we’ll see that the form of spirituality manifesting may not be what the Christian Church has traditionally expected. Even now, some of the more open-minded Christians accept that the changes are a reflection God working through the mystical spirit to be present in our lives. Many in the world have stopped trying to negate their children’s talents. They’re coming to accept the likes of books like The Prophet, The Celestine Prophesy, Through Time Into Healing, and You Are Psychic Too. They’re more open to New Age-like teachings. They’re reading spiritually or mythically-based fictional books like ‘A Breath Floats By’ and ‘Harry Potter.’ Interest in Eastern spirituality and philosophy is on the upswing. There’s a new desire for alternative forms of therapy and healing as well as Mind-Body-Spirit types of festivals. This shows that spirituality is on the upsurge in the world.
Whether they know it or not, people are listening to their inner voices and know that a shift is in process – and feel that to survive comfortably in the new world will require letting go of rigid, outmoded notions of God’s plans for us.
The various forms of spiritual expression which are becoming widely accepted and shared among faiths have a common element – they are principally experiential. The experience of the Sacred is becoming the world’s new focus. I believe that right-thinking Spiritualists have much to teach on experiencing the Sacred.
The world is culturally diverse and provides us with an eclectic variety of information about what Sacredness is. Many factors have contributed to this eclectic mix – especially the Internet which brings the world’s increasing awareness of the significance of spirituality and the need for reconciliation among people right into our homes.
How we might meld into one notion of God again is still beyond our imagining. But spirit seems to be waiting for something to happen, waiting for some transformation or transfiguration. But of what? And of whom? It may be that the way the shift will take place is "unrecognizable” from the point of view of the existing religions with their mixed messages. Perhaps if we all begin to listen more closely to our inner voices, maybe if we think more purely, act more spiritually, and refuse to re-act out of negativity, we’ll be able to see more clearly our own roles in the coming spiritual shift.