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Main » 2012 » May » 22 » Holistic Health & Psychic Fair
3:40 PM
Holistic Health & Psychic Fair

This event has been postponed. We will post the new date as soon as it is set.


(Click "read more" if you cannot see the flier and application.)
Vendors may apply for a November 2012 booth space.
VENUE - The Dedicated FM Book Store in historic 12 Points, 1241 Lafayette Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47804
Vendor applications and fliers can be printed by clicking on on the images below. Folow your computer's print commands.
The purpose of our Festivals is to:

* join alternative healers, bodyworkers, energyworkers, lightworkers, spiritual counselors, metaphysical and intuitive readers, and others in one place to combine their energies for the good of all.

* assist in expanding the existing spiritual and wellness communities by presenting alternative possibilities for people to experience and learn about.

* promote yourself, your business, and what you do.

* have fun and meet new people and make new friends.

* create a space for all to prosper - whether by working at or visiting the festival.

The members of Celebration Spiritual Center look forward to having many of you join our festivals.
Vendor Application and Flier below.
Views: 982 | Added by: Karen | Tags: Fair, Church, festival, Healing, interfaith, Psychic, worship, Blessings, holistic | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 Karen  
ALERT!: Vendor special. $0.00 down for the booth, 20% of sales until the $100 is covered. IF sales don't cover the booth space, no out of pocket money is owed.

2 Kitty L Austin  
Hi Karen,

I have a few questions that I'd like to ask regarding the Holistic Healing & Psychic Fair. Have you decided on where it will take place in November? What are the sizes of the booth? I saw where there was a fair in July, how did that go in regards to the number of people that it drew? How do you advertise to get the public in?

I would like to donate a raffle item/door prize as well - how would I go about doing that? I also have a friend who wants to donate a raffle item/door prize and the same question applies here, how does she go about doing that?



3 Karen  
Hi Kitty! We have this fair every 4 months. It is well attended, though not HUGE. All vendors receive a return on their investments.

I have posted the flier and application. We advertise on TV (generally a morning or noon news show), on many festival and event calendars, public service announcements on radio and in the paper, as well as on several social networking sites, and street signs, fliers (posted at local businesses and passed out as hand bills), USPS mailings and e-mail.

Thank you for your interest! Blessings,

1 Karen  
Time is growing short. Vendors, please get your applications in right away.

Vendors need not be holistic healers or readers. Visitors appreaciate a variety of shops! Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One, Mary Kay, etc . . . you're welcome and would fit in, too. Take bookings, sell products, enlist new dealers. With your entry in the fair, you receive time each day to do demonstrations, and are able to set out fliers and cards at the front table.

If you cannot be a vendor because of time constraints, you can buy advertising space for only $20 for the weekend. We are also collecting raffle items and door prizes. Donate a raffle item and you receive advertisement space, and people are focused directly on your product and business cards!

Call Karen at 812-878-9912.

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